Rick Osborne has authored and co-authored books that have sold over 10 million copies worldwide. God has called him to help Christians of all ages walk in the fullness of what Jesus paid for and be transformed into His image.
He's co-authored books with Dr. John Trent (Focus on The Family's Guide To The Spiritual Growth of Children), Dr. Gary Chapman (The 5 Love Languages for Kids), and Dr. Tom Blackaby (The Experiencing God Family Devotional). Two of his latest books, "At Work Within" and "Love's Transformation,” have consistently transformed the lives of his readers. He co-wrote and led the team that produced "The Most Important Story." which has had over a hundred million copies distributed worldwide in over 120 different languages and dialects.

For decades Rick had a thriving ministry. He had a passion for Jesus Christ and believed he was doing everything that he was called to do. Then one day, when Rick least expected it, Jesus appeared to him and told him that He was going to teach him personally and directly from the Bible. Jesus started teaching Rick, as promised, that evening.
What Rick didn’t know then was that the Lord would be letting him do little else but learn at Jesus’ feet for ten years! Rick spent up to 16 hours a day with the Lord, and the depth, yet practical simplicity of what he was taught from the Word of God, blew his mind; and transformed him.
The whole time Jesus was teaching Rick, He made it clear that He wants this same intimate relationship with ALL of His disciples; and He wants to teach them all in the same supernatural way He taught Rick (minus the ten years in seclusion). Jesus has now released Rick and tasked him with teaching you what Jesus taught him.
Rick is now focused on teaching others what He was taught by Jesus from the Word so that they can experience the same intimacy with God and transformation that he continues to walk in.
PSALM 91 – Your Strong Defense (Purchase here for US $7.97)
Did you know that the Bible promises to protect you from the coronaviruses, or COVID-19? Well it does! Psalm 91, the classic Psalm about God’s protection, mentions it twice! It doesn’t mention it by name, but it specifically talks about the type of virus that it is. COVID-19 is a zoonotic disease, or an infectious disease that originated in animals. You may be surprised to see that Moses also talked about our protection from these diseases; and Jesus demonstrated that protection!
The Bible not only identifies these diseases, and says that you are protected from them, but it also moves past that, and tells you how to live in that protection. This information is vital for you and your family at this time; vital for bolstering your faith and banishing fear. Nothing surprises God; and He promised your protection from COVID-19 before it was even named!
As I read through the material for this book, I was struck with the nagging question, "Why didn't I know this before?" Rick hits both the heart and the head as he presents a mixture of basic and profound material that every Christian needs to know and implement in their lives. Had I read this book at the beginning of my walk with God, I would have avoided pitfalls and bounded ahead rather than meandering along as I did. Thanks, Rick. Once again I have learned and grown from what you have shared.
Dr. Tom Blackaby
Lead Pastor, Author, Speaker
At Work Within is a thoughtfully written volume that contains the content, depth, and weight of writers in the tradition of Peterson and Guinness, yet with a readability that makes it accessible to a broader audience. Rick Osborne draws from his years of writing experience to clearly and succinctly convey the essential truth of God's eternal desire to mold us into the image of His Son, Jesus Christ. This book will leave you in greater awe of God's grace and greater appreciation for His sovereignty and His work in your life.
Todd Martin Ph.D.
Sociologist, Author, Speaker and former Pastor
We may be the most informed yet least transformed generation of Christians history has seen, struggling to love and serve Jesus Christ while disconnected from full communion with Him. We know about Him, but scarcely know Him. At Work Within connects our branches securely to the vine so the transformative power of Jesus Christ can flow dynamically into our lives. This book is a must read for every believer who wants to know and experience the Son of God intimately and consistently for themselves.
Michael Q. Pink